Ineed to find out where to send check,to join the t-craft foundation. Also i am working on the C.R.Harer s.t.c. to convert bc-12d,to the f-19. I bought the s.t.c., have all blue prints ,misc drawings, problem is some of the plans/drws are very vague, or in my opinion totally lacking important info, and measurements. All of this makes interpertation almost impossiable. on some of the drawings there is overkill. Here is my biggest problem, there are a few small drws covering the const, of the rear window (wood yellow pine) the drws dont show the scale on any of them. the drws showing the window placement dont give any measurements as to placement ,here is the biggest problem, they dont even give a clue as to how to attach them at all,or there is no mention of thickness or how to even attach the plexiglass to the wood frame and seal it up to weather, ? , rubber,mastic or is there some kind of metal frame, on the outside ??? I looked at robert lees recover , his window frame is totally different and is simply an alum reccesed assy and is screwed to the rear door post and a place or too on the fuselage. His window is a lot smaller to. Robert you did a very nice job on the restoration
