I just had to pass this along from supercub.org
Subject: Fw: FAA NPRM issue
Subject: FAA NPRM issue
Truer words were never spoken....
It's about time they get this right.
Important FAA matter, please read!
Subject: FAA NPRM issue
Subject: FAA NPRM
Part 0, Section 000 (a) 1(c)
Section I - No pilot or pilots, or person or persons acting on the direction or suggestion or supervision of a pilot or pilots may try, or attempt to try or make, or make attempt to try to comprehend or understand any or all, in whole or in part of the herein mentioned Aviation Regulations, except as authorized by the Administrator or an agent appointed by, or inspected by, the Administrator.
Section II - If a pilot, or group of associate pilots becomes aware of, or realizes, or detects, or discovers, or finds tha! t he or she, or they, are or have been beginning to understand the Aviation Regulations, they must immediately, within three (3) days notify, in writing, the Administrator.
Section III - Upon receipt of the above-mentioned notice of impending comprehension, the Administrator shall immediately rewrite the Aviation Regulations in such a manner as to eliminate any further comprehension hazards.
Section IV - The Administrator may, at his or her discretion, require the offending pilot or pilots to attend remedial instruction in Aviation Regulations until such time that the pilot is too confused to be capable of understanding anything.
Subject: Fw: FAA NPRM issue
Subject: FAA NPRM issue
Truer words were never spoken....
It's about time they get this right.
Important FAA matter, please read!
Subject: FAA NPRM issue
Subject: FAA NPRM
Part 0, Section 000 (a) 1(c)
Section I - No pilot or pilots, or person or persons acting on the direction or suggestion or supervision of a pilot or pilots may try, or attempt to try or make, or make attempt to try to comprehend or understand any or all, in whole or in part of the herein mentioned Aviation Regulations, except as authorized by the Administrator or an agent appointed by, or inspected by, the Administrator.
Section II - If a pilot, or group of associate pilots becomes aware of, or realizes, or detects, or discovers, or finds tha! t he or she, or they, are or have been beginning to understand the Aviation Regulations, they must immediately, within three (3) days notify, in writing, the Administrator.
Section III - Upon receipt of the above-mentioned notice of impending comprehension, the Administrator shall immediately rewrite the Aviation Regulations in such a manner as to eliminate any further comprehension hazards.
Section IV - The Administrator may, at his or her discretion, require the offending pilot or pilots to attend remedial instruction in Aviation Regulations until such time that the pilot is too confused to be capable of understanding anything.