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Factory Visit and Harry Ingram

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  • Factory Visit and Harry Ingram

    Well Tribe, my wife & I have finally visited the Factory and have spent the day with Harry and his wife.

    I have looked at the entire operation, and feel much more comfortable with the situation. The factory looks good,but have not started on any "Taylorcraft Sport" . These should start within a week or two. As soon as final approval from "FAA". I have seen several airplanes he is working on (repairing, not new ones). However, everything seems as though is ready to go. He has a new paint booth installed and all the jigs are there also. I looked at a couple of wings he had built, plus a couple of fuselages' he has repaired. He has about four T-Crafts there for restoration or repair.

    At this time he has three orders ,with deposits, for the Taylorcraft Sport and 6 or 8 for the F-22; And one Tri Gear with 180 hp.

    I believe he is telling the truth and is trying to get the Taylorcraft back into a viable and flying aircraft, that we can all be proud of.

    He told me that he is going to try to build the Taylor Cub also. Also with the O-200. This is the predacessor to the J-3 Cub and would look exactly like a J-3 except would have the Taylorcraft wing. Should be nice, with the O-200.

    He seemed excited about everything and appears to be working very hard to get things going as soon as the FAA lets him. They seem to be the only fly in the ointment. He seems to be trying to run as good a business as possible, and like any new venture, there always seems to be tie-ups. Especially when you least expect them.

    Let all wish him the best of luck, and if you order anything that requires doing something new, expect delays. But there are many new and new old stock parts available for purchase now. Some times not what you may need , but there are plenty of parts there anyhow. The building is nice and well organized.

    I took a few pictures and will post them when I return home.

    Lee In Louisiana
    Yellow Duck

  • #2
    Good wishes for Harry

    I have allways hoped that someone, anyone would ressurect the Taylorcraft line of aircraft. I don't have the financial where-with-all to buy a new plane, so the first time that I will ever need to deal with the factory is when I get factory parts to do a proper restoration on my plane. I'll wait a while for Harry to get ahead of the financial power curve. That way I won't be so nervous about risking money for parts that I may have to wait a long time for. Untill that time I wish Harry, and Taylorcraft GOD'S blessings for success. Sabrina


    • #3

      Sabrina, you wouldn't need to risk your money on very many things. He has lots of parts, including Cowlings,Firewalls,Mufflers,Heat shrouds, Lots and Lots of origional yokes (from 1946,like new) Tons & Tons of misc. parts.
      I do not believe you need to worry. Just call and ask if he has it in stock, if so then order it.
      Yellow Duck


      • #4
        Another Thought

        If anyone needs a particular part and is afraid of risking money, then order COD, and pay when it arrrives. If he doesn't have it I am certain he will tell you.

        Sabrinia, as for as the fairing you are talking about, they are very easly made from a piece of material. Take your old one as a pattern and cut one out. There are only a few rivits to press. It is no big deal to make. Then paint to match.
        Yellow Duck


        • #5
          Making a fairing

          Lee the problem is that the fairings on the plane were cobbled, and not well either. If I make a copy of a bad part, I'm just going to have a new bad part. There is someone who has a 1946 BC12D at Fabens airport, about 20 min. by air from here. He is the brother of a good friend of mine, I need to ask if I can take the fairings off the plane, trace them in the hanger, and then re-install them. The ones on his plane are great. If not, I hope forrest reads this, and has a pair of fairings that he can sell me. But I'll call the factory also. Mine are tight, but they don't fit right at all. Sabrina


          • #6

            I will not be doing my annual until about Jan;however, if by then you do not have what you need, I will be happy to make a tracing on brown paper and send it to you. But maybe someone else in the tribe, will be doing that.

            Also, Harry does have the templetes for this and may well send you a tracing for you to fabricate one if he doesn't have any.
            Yellow Duck


            • #7
              Wing Fairing Tracings

              Cool, I'll ask him. What is the best way to get hold of him?? This may just prove some of the nay-sayers were hasty by taking events, and using them to make judgements on a man's morals.
              P.S., Never mind, I just read your note to me on the other thread giving me Harry's number. I'll call him Tomorow, Thanks a million Lee.
              Last edited by taylorcraftbc65; 09-16-2004, 12:56.

