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Mobile, Alabama

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  • Mobile, Alabama

    I won't know for sure for about a month, but it looks like I may be moving to Mobile Alabama. Any Tribe members there? If I do go I'll be living northwest of town in a community called Semmes. Any one have info on airports and or EAA chapters in the area? Also can you land on the area beaches? I envision flying out to do some surf fishing (I have 8.50's, should I still be looking for some 26" tires?)
    Thanks again.
    TF #1030

  • #2
    Re: Mobile, Alabama Maybe this link will help..or this one,'s also a couple of other small private fields in the area. I don't know about an EAA chapter but I'm sure Mobile will have one.

    I don't think you'll have a lot of use for the 26's in Alabama....the 8.50's should cover anything you can do down south.
    Last edited by crispy critter; 12-11-2011, 21:54.
    Kevin Mays
    West Liberty,Ky


    • #3
      Re: Mobile, Alabama

      Kevin 8/50s are stiff and some what hard the bigger bush tires are much better for off air port landing and rough spots Love my AK Bush tires
      1940 BLT/BC65 N26658 SER#2000


      • #4
        Re: Mobile, Alabama

        Chuck, I understand that but there's not a lot of off airport activity permitted that far down south east that would warrent the need and upkeep for them. I'm not sure what the local laws in alabama is for beach landings but that would be the old place they might come in handy but most of the isolated beaches in the gulf area that would be safe from population to land are pretty smooth and 8.50 are more then plenty as long as you know how to pick your landing spots....which I asume being from Alaska he would certinly be over qualified for that kinda stuff down here,lol.
        Kevin Mays
        West Liberty,Ky


        • #5
          Re: Mobile, Alabama

          Kevin I do agree with what you say but with a little scouting and permission from land owners there are spots were 8/50s would get stuck and they look cool!
          1940 BLT/BC65 N26658 SER#2000


          • #6
            Re: Mobile, Alabama

            There's an airstrip out west of Mobile (forgot the name) and one of the Tribe Mike Murphy (aka "Murphy") keeps his F21 there. Back in 2006 I visited him there and he gave us a tour of the airstrip... neat place. Mike is a really nice guy and fun to be around... he took us out for some excellent Seafood on the Causeway... it was like having our own tour guide.
            Terry Bowden, formerly TF # 351
            Consultant D.E.R. Powerplant inst'l & Engines
            Vintage D.E.R. Structures, Electrical, & Mechanical Systems
            BC12D, s/n 7898, N95598
            weblog: Barnstmr's Random Aeronautics
            [email protected]


            • #7
              Re: Mobile, Alabama

              I did a little bit of Googling and figured out the airport is the Roy E. Ray airport.... identifier 5R7
              Terry Bowden, formerly TF # 351
              Consultant D.E.R. Powerplant inst'l & Engines
              Vintage D.E.R. Structures, Electrical, & Mechanical Systems
              BC12D, s/n 7898, N95598
              weblog: Barnstmr's Random Aeronautics
              [email protected]


              • #8
                Re: Mobile, Alabama

                There are actually two small airports down here Saint elmo (2R5) and Roy Ray (5R7) semmes is north west of mobile. I'm at saint elmo and I'm almost done with my restoration of a 1946 BC12D. You can call me at 228-596-6573. Ray
                Live for today for we know not what tomorrow holds


                • #9
                  Re: Mobile, Alabama

                  Thanks everyone! I was looking at a sectional today, I guess I'm going to have to pay attention to airspace a bit more than I do up here. Thanks Ray I will give you a call. My number is 907 942-0002 if it would work better that you call me (I'm 3 hours behind you)

                  TF #1030


                  • #10
                    Re: Mobile, Alabama

                    St. Elmo is 4000' pavement running east and west nick named St. Crosswind with EAA Chapter 1209, Roy E. Ray is 2000' turf with EAA Chapter 416 both are great places. I keep my F21 at Roy E. Ray under an open type shelter it is the best deal in town as far as I'm concerned. As for beach landings I have done it but not such a good idea these days much different from what I think of in Alaska better off with a boat around here for fishing. My number is 251 421 4673 call and I'll give you the run down on the area. Mike


                    • #11
                      Re: Mobile, Alabama

                      There is one much closer to where you will be. It is 7 miles west of Mobile Regional and underneath the class C. No problem getting in or out. It is a private airport named Sky West. It is owned by Tony Williams and is 2600 E-W sod. Nice runway and really nice guy. You should be welcome there. No hangars available though. Tony's # is 251-649-5033.

                      Tom Wood


                      • #12
                        Re: Mobile, Alabama

                        I love flying to Dauphin Island. South of Mobile. Once I brought fishing poles and a tent. Landed at the airport. Walked across the island to the gulf-side beach. Pitched camp. Caught redfish (I was surprised) in a tiny quiet inlet. Spent the night.

                        I have friends who used to land on the beach to go fishing on the Chandeleur Islands. One of them flew a 1941 TCraft on 6.00 standard tires. But that was before Hurricane Katrina wiped out those islands. I've attached a pic

                        Less than one year ago, right before I took my TCraft out of service to be recovered, (unbeknownst to me beforehand, it was on the day after the Dauphin Island Mardi Gras parade), I flew a friend to Dauphin Island for lunch. We walked to the country club restaurant. After lunch, the mayor of Dauphin Island gave us a lift back to the airport.

                        I've enjoyed flying into St Elmo and Roy Ray. Both enjoy lots of aviation. Ferguson (south of Mobile on the East side of the bay) is a fun destination also.
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by TimHicks; 12-15-2011, 06:37.
                        Tim Hicks


                        • #13
                          Re: Mobile, Alabama

                          Thank you as well! I'm getting some great info. Thanks for posting the photo, that's exactly what I'm hoping to do! even if the islands have not built back up yet after Katrina, it still sounds like there's a lot of fun to be had in the area!
                          TF #1030


                          • #14
                            Re: Mobile, Alabama

                            WOW I have watched this thread also and it sounds like a neat spot to head for a weekend trip it's about 400 mi by car so in Tcraft a lot shorter
                            1940 BLT/BC65 N26658 SER#2000


                            • #15
                              Re: Mobile, Alabama

                              You can find some general information about the barrier islands here:

                              Nothing about aviation, but it may help build a foundation of what you're getting into before you fly there.
                              Tim Hicks

