I recently obtained this ticket stub with Taylorcraft advertising. The stub was originally from our old Southwest Airport, of which the remains are about 1/2 mile down the road from me. The airport buildings and large hangar still remain. They flew Taylorcrafts for training, sold them and used them in the Civilian Pilot Training Program during World War II. My father was in CPT and my mother also flew T-Crafts from this airport during this time period. Several years ago I posted photos on this website in the photo section of my father at this airport. Tom Baker and his father restored that beautiful pre-war Taylorcraft many years ago, which not only flew from this airport but my parents have actual logbook time in, (I still have their logbooks and my mother is still around at 84 years of age). If you go to this link on Abandoned Airfields about half way down is the information on this airport, Springfield Municipal/Southwest Airport: http://members.tripod.com/airfields_...lds_IL_SW.html
Just wanted to share this tidbit of Taylorcrat memorabilia that I have never seen before. Merry Christmas!!!
Just wanted to share this tidbit of Taylorcrat memorabilia that I have never seen before. Merry Christmas!!!