Flying our BC12-65 we smell what is most likely exhaust fumes in the cockpit. Our CFI has commented that he usually has a low grade headache after flying in the Taylorcraft (for the purpose of this discussion, let's assume that it's not the students giving him the headache!). We have a carbon monoxide detection card which remains normal during flight. There doesn't appear to be any significant openings in the firewall where exhaust could come through. The cabin heat isn't the source since we had a piece of foil tape over the opening into the cockpit to keep from adding heat on warm days. The most likely source I can come up with is the opening around the landing gear bungee cords. I've attached some photos of the exhaust pipe and underside of our cockpit. Is there some type of sealing system that should be used to eliminate this? Has anyone experienced something similar? Any ideas on what could be done to eliminate the fumes would be appreciated.