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Frozen Valve

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  • Frozen Valve

    The following commentary and photos are from Rick Farley. This engine was not run up a few months ago for an annual inspection with no problems. The annual took a long time as annuals sometimes do - about 14 months in this case, but when the annual was finally completed the engine popped and fired a few times, but it would not run. After troubleshooting, Three exhaust valves were found stuck open, but #3 stuck closed and produced the damage in the pictures. The airplane is located near San Antonio. I do not believe the engine was run without oil, but I was not there at the time so I won't swear to it. This engine had about 200 SMOH and had been running very well. These are posted fro your bemusement and education while Rick is looking for a jug... It is possible that the engine lost oil prime while sitting. I can't be sure, but please be reminded to look at the oil pressure immediately after start up.

    Rick's Comments:

    >>A few pictures to show the damage. The exhaust valve is absolutely frozen in the valve guide. It is soaking overnight in mouse milk, but it may take drastic measures to free it up. I sure hate to have to buy a new valve. The position of the valve in the picture is exactly where it was located when the damage was done. It has not moved despite some rather significant motivation. The lower side of the valve is rather corroded, but that is not really that uncommon. I just hope I can get it out and salvage the valve. You will note in the close-ups of the # 3 top that the center boss was cracked as well as the left end. When I pushed the rocker pin out with my finger, the center boss fell off into my hand. You can actually see the crack in some of the close up pictures that I have.<<
    Attached Files
    Best Regards,
    Mark Julicher

  • #2
    Re: Frozen Valve

    Interesting horror story. Feel bad for the guy, but oil in the engine and or having oil pressure would not have made any difference to that valve stem. Something very bad happened between the stem and the guide while the engine was sitting there for 14 months.

