Was fooling around yesterday on a very calm day and while doing some flight a minimum controllable speed I got in a mode that I had never seen before and it rather conflicts with my previous concepts of power, lift, and drag. My BC12D-85 stalls at 44 indicated, more or less, power off. Before I had tried determining the airspeed for mininmum required power to maintain altitude and I had thought I had found 1500 RPM and 70 indicated (That is about 65 calibrated on my airplane.) Yesterday I found it to be 1600 at 45 indicated! Lowering the nose required increasing the power to maintain altitude. I had always assumed that operation at 1 mph above stall was a high drag angle of attack for the wing and would requite more power than the best glide speed, for example. Really twisted my head around. I'm going out and check that again. Strange.
Anyone seen the same thing or have any comments? Taylorcraft test pilots are you out there LOL?
Anyone seen the same thing or have any comments? Taylorcraft test pilots are you out there LOL?