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Two gascolator questions

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  • #16
    Re: Two gascolator questions

    Guys, I'm not trying to pick a fight here, but I just had another customer call who overtightened the bale on a La Tour gascolator in an attempt to avoid replacing the gaskets and warped the cover. $$$$$$$$$$$
    New Yoke hub covers


    • #17
      Re: Two gascolator questions

      I just replaced my Glass sleeve in my La Tour....It's actually Pyrex...much tougher than regular glass...and it is very strong as you are compressing down on it...the top and bottom pieces are cast aluminum and seem stout enough...but I guess they could warp....gaskets are cheap. Mine has 3/8" fittings cause I have an 85...maybe it's built more stout?


      • #18
        Re: Two gascolator questions

        [QUOTE]get a new filter screen for your gascolator while you're there and new gas cap gaskets. [QUOTE]

        Hope this isn't to dumb of a question but is there supposed to be a filter screen? In looking at mine, its glass, I do not see any type of filter or screen.

        Jeff Lowrey
        1946 BC-12D N44239


        • #19
          Re: Two gascolator questions

          Not a dumb question.....I didn't know there was a filter screen until I took mine apart to clean it. It's not really visible when it's all assembled, but it fits under the top gasket, or at least that's how mine is set up.

          By the way, don't be an idiot (like me) and drop the Pyrex sleeve on the hangar floor. They're not THAT tough. Thankfully, they're pretty cheap....$15 at Aero Support/Luscombe Foundation. Gaskets are $3. I received mine the day after I ordered it. Nice folks too.


          • #20
            Re: Two gascolator questions

            I ordered mine from the same place....only trouble is mine was bigger in diameter and the gaskets didn't cover the whole area and the sleeve was smaller in dia. and not quite as thick......make sure you have measurements before you order.


            • #21
              Re: Two gascolator questions

     This is the url for the Luscombe site. The part number is S-36-4.

              I have a question too but not exactly on the subject here. I need and extra gas cap. Anyone know where to get them?
              Wayne Melvin


              • #22
                Re: Two gascolator questions

                I think Wag Aero has them or click here for DIY caps.

                Bob Gustafson


                • #23
                  Re: Two gascolator questions

                  My is 2" dia. is that a Latour or a Tillotson gascolator???
                  "46" BC12D
                  Fond du lac WI


                  • #24
                    Re: Two gascolator questions

                    What is the part # on the glass bowl. It doesn't bounce well on cement.


                    • #25
                      Re: Two gascolator questions

                      Originally posted by N96337 View Post
                      Don't want to start a big arguement here, but we've had REALLY bad luck with the teflon lined hose... We use either Aeroquip 303 or 601. When you do replace the hoses Mike, make sure they use the proper mandrel to make the hose and not just fittings.. I watched a good friend crash on takeoff from a hose that hadn't been made with the mandrel and had a flap in it.
                      Sorry to bring up a year-old post, but I wanted to see what problems you've had with the teflon lined hose? If not, I'd like to know what problems you've had with teflon lined hose. I'm about to replace my fuel lines, and I'm trying to decide what to use. With teflon, it seems like the flap inside the hose wouldn't be an issue.

                      This link addresses problems with Teflon hose, but this shouldn't be an issue with Aeroquip hose I don't believe.


                      • #26
                        Re: Two gascolator questions

                        The 'flap' is created when the fittings are attached to the hose without using a proper mandrel. If you did not use a mandrel, the fitting could slice the inside of the hose, causing a 'flap' that will probably casue an interruption to fuel flow.

                        The 'flap' does not have anything to do with what the hose is made with (or lined with), it is related to how the hoses are assembled to the fittings.

                        Some people have assembled the hoses without a mandrel and have not killed themselves. They may advise you that you do not NEED a mandrel. Do NOT listen to these people. It is YOUR life that is at risk.
                        Bob Waldron
                        1940 Taylorcraft BL-65
                        SkyHarbor airpark Webster, MN
                        eMail address nc18681 then an @ sign then HOTMAIL . Com


                        • #27
                          Re: Two gascolator questions

                          I have put a couple of Gascolator on J-3's and Champs.
                          Will never leak again or have to worry about it. Best $200 you can spend.


                          • #28
                            Re: Two gascolator questions

                            Hey All,

                            If you've got the LaTour style gascolator with the glass cylinder, both the glass cylinders and the gaskets are readily available.

                            Glass cylinder: McMaster-Carr p.n. 1176K14, Catalog page 3488, Borosilicate Glass (Pyrex) Oil Cup Cylinder 2" OD, 1-11/16" ID, 1-7/8" H, 5/32" Wall Thick $10.51 Each

                            These glass cylinders are indistinguishable from the originals except for the lack of a LaTour decal.

                            Gascolator gasket 2": Univair p.n. LAT-08, LaTour 2 Inch Gasket, $1.81


