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  • exhaust?

    Hi...We're new on here, so please be patient.
    We have the standard BC-12D (65). Got some little holes starting in the exhaust just below the jacket. We had to have a new one only 3 yrs ago (or maybe 4). I now wish I had spent a little more to have a stainless exhaust installed, but didn't. If I can't get this one repaired, I definately want a stainless one...anyone know where from one might be available?

  • #2
    Re: exhaust?

    This seems to be a common problem on T crafts as I have seen many with this problem. It may be due to a dissimilar metal reaction with the heat muff. I had the same problem with mine and ended up cutting off the lower portion of the exhaust pipe and welding in a new section. I then painted the hole exhaust with LPS "cold steel galvanizing" and haven't had a problem scince. The exposed portion of the exhaust may need touching up from time to time as the finish wears. I hope this helps.


    • #3
      Re: exhaust?

      There are at least a couple of sources for the SS exhaust, talk to Yellow Duck for more complete info, but I know he got his from Sonny Porch in Florida: [email protected]
      Sonny's considerably cheaper than the other sources I found and his comes in two pieces which should greatly ease the installation hassle.


      • #4
        Re: exhaust?

        Vincent, yes I did get mine from sonny Porch and have been very satisfied. So far so good.

        Still trying to keep my 65-8. Gonna try the new VG's. I've changed the prop, lighten some, may need to do a little more. But damn it works great now (winter).
        Yellow Duck

