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It Runs!

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  • It Runs!

    Finally completed test run of engine today! Ran fine. No leaks except a drop under one of the hydraulic lifter cover, right where it is supposed to be

    Now if my radio expert friend will get my COM radio set up, I can fly.

    I have had very bad luck with handhelds in this airplane, and there's a string of tower controllers from Los Angeles to San Francisco who are looking to throw a rope over a tree branch if I try one more funky handheld.

    I have a really neat little 720 channel German COM radio made by Dittel. We used them in gliders a lot, and they are certified units in Germany. They work great, excellent frequency stability and all that. I'm sure they're as good or better than anything we have here... but since it is not TSO it will have to become a "portable handheld radio" setup that's Velcro'd in the airplane on a "portable" basis.

    Taylorcraft : Making Better Aviators for 75 Years... and Counting

    Bill Berle
    N26451 (1940 BL(C)-65) 1988-90
    N47DN (Auster Autocrat) 1992-93
    N96121 (1946 BC-12D-85) 1998-99
    N29544 (1940 BL(C)-85) 2005-08

  • #2
    Re: It Runs!

    I'm using a Icom A-5 with an external ant. Works great
    I talk to OSH @ 15 miles out.
    Cost me $240. its small, runs weeks on its battery
    "46" BC12D
    Fond du lac WI


    • #3
      Re: It Runs!

      IT'S ALIIIIIIIIVE............Dr. Frankenstein circa 1939


      • #4
        Re: It Runs!


        Do you have shielded ignition? I use a Sporty's handheld with an external antenna and do not have shielded ignition and I have static. Just wondering if another radio will improve my com capabilities or if the unshielded ignition causes static in all radios.




        • #5
          Re: It Runs!

          I have a Yaesu with external antenna and unshielded everything. Static was driving me to distraction until I pressed the ANL button on the radio -- static almost gone (none when transmitting or receiving, only when monitoring). It was someone's comment on this listserve some many months ago that clued me into re-reading the manual and looking for the button. One of those things that I read when I first got the radio (prior to getting 43672) but I forgot because I wasn't using it in an aircraft.
          Alan Thiel
          1946 BC12-D


          • #6
            Re: It Runs!


            I have an ICOM A22 and it works great. I made a very simple mount using a 1/8 inch ply base with rubber coated hose clamps to attach the base to an internal brace on my Aeronca Champ. The ICOM is attached to the base using plastic wire ties and connected to an external antenna. I can receive from about 20 Statue Miles (sm) out and transmit reliably to 15 sm. Of course the transmit range goes down as the batteries begin to lose their charge.

            I have a shielded ignition system and have NO static. I have used the same radio setup on an aircraft with an unshielded ignition system and found considerable static. You may not be able to suppress the static without some type of ignition shielding; however, other radios have improved suppression capability.

            Happy New Year.



            • #7
              Re: It Runs!

              I got half and half.
              Top are not shielded.
              Yes get some noise if I'm out 15 miles or so, I can turn of top mags, really makes a differents.
              The anl mode does help some...
              Looking for some shielding cups for the top???
              Any one got any??
              But its a great radio for the money. It put out lots farther than I can receive due to the unshielded top plugs.
              "46" BC12D
              Fond du lac WI


              • #8
                Re: It Runs!

                I have used a KX-99 handheld for years along with unshielded plugs with no static problems. Last spring one of my old bendix mags packed in and with parts too hard to find I changed over to slicks with shielded wires and plugs. My radio performance remained the same. My only radio problems resulted from a broken coax cable at the base of my extrenal antenna.


                • #9
                  Re: It Runs!

                  Thanks to all for the reply--it is really appreciated. As I see it there are several ways to go. I probably won't make any changes till spring, but I will let the tribe know what changes were made and how it worked out.

                  Best wishes to all for a Happy New Year,



                  • #10
                    Re: It Runs!

                    Handheld yes, a JRC from aircraft spruce. Crystal clear with anl cct on and unshilded ignition. I know have shielded ignition with my new mags the com has 15 to 20 miles reach with internal rechargable and extrenal antenna, 5Watt output. The VOR function also works well. I get Buffalo abot 40 miles out at 2000 feet.
                    But I seams to have developet a bad antenna conection, having it laying on the seat is not good for it.
                    I loved airplane seens I was a kid.
                    The T- craft # 1 aircraft for me.
                    Foundation Member # 712


                    • #11
                      Re: It Runs!

                      I put my antenna on the seam in the boot cowl where the left side meets the lower panel and about 3" back from the firewall. No need to make a ground plane and since you are mounting on the overlap joint of two skins there is no need for a doubler. Antenna wire under the floor tied to various tubes and up under the seat cushion. I leave the radio on the seat next to me with a ptt switch on the yoke. I never use the setup and prefer to fly with earplugs. Most of my flying buddies are used to me not using the radio and we have worked out a way of communicating with hand signals and aircraft movement.


                      Former BC12D & F19 owner


                      • #12
                        Re: It Runs!

                        N44057 has the antenna below on the boot cowl and shielded ign wires but no cups on the plugs. I use an old Sporty's radio (A300?) sitting on the seat with ptt on the yoke and a cheapo intercom. I made an adapter to use alkaline "D" cells out of Radio Shack D cell holders, all wire tied together. This way the radio gets full power as opposed to 1.2 volts from rechargable AA batts that seem to always be underpowered.

                        The batteries have lasted three flying seasons but I think I will replace them this spring. No static what so ever. A great set up and the radio goes home with me.

                        Jack D.
                        '46 BC12D

