The prop on my 46 BC12D has CM7445 stamped on the hub. Saturday I took off and flew with a friend of mine with his '46 BC12D. I appeared to out climb him but did I ever have a time keeping up with him. Do I have a climb prop? We went to look at his prop but couldn't find a number since there was a sticker over it. I was just about to the redline and indicating 105MPH and was still barely keeping up. I know his airspeed indicator reads low, could his tach read low as well?
One more question, I should know this but what is the correct air pressure for the tires. The other day they were at 10 pounds and I pumped them up to 20.
Tom Gilbertson
One more question, I should know this but what is the correct air pressure for the tires. The other day they were at 10 pounds and I pumped them up to 20.
Tom Gilbertson