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Ventral Fin for 65 HP float plane for sale

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  • Ventral Fin for 65 HP float plane for sale

    I've had this for a while and certainly don't need it now that the plane is gone.

    Fin only, covered, not painted, no hardware.

    $300 or reasonable trade for something interesting...... freight extra.

    Also have a Garmin Pilot II in perfect condition..
    And a Icom IC-A21 that does not transmit. May be fixed or good for parts..

    NL Canada
    Last edited by Robert Bradbury; 02-09-2012, 08:06.
    Robert Bradbury
    BC12D Experimental
    C-FAJH C90
    Sen. 74X39 prop
    Seaplane 1650 Floats

  • #2
    Re: Ventral Fin for 65 HP float plane for sale


    Is the ventral fin still available?



    • #3
      Re: Ventral Fin for 65 HP float plane for sale

      Originally posted by Levi View Post

      Is the ventral fin still available?

      Yes sir still available. It is covered not painted.

      also have a micro VG kit for the Tcraft as well.
      Robert Bradbury
      BC12D Experimental
      C-FAJH C90
      Sen. 74X39 prop
      Seaplane 1650 Floats


      • #4
        Re: Ventral Fin for 65 HP float plane for sale

        OK, I am interested. Let me talk to my A&P during lunch and I with send you a PM.

        How does the STC work with the VG's, if someone were to buy them?



        • #5
          Re: Ventral Fin for 65 HP float plane for sale

          Could you find out how much shipping would cost to get the fin to Maine?


          • #6
            Re: Ventral Fin for 65 HP float plane for sale

            Originally posted by Levi View Post
            Could you find out how much shipping would cost to get the fin to Maine?
            Still interested?? I'm guessing the freight will be in the $75 to $100 range to be honest. I can verify this if
            you are interested . I may have a friend driving into the US in the next month or so. He could always mail it
            from there but that would later if at all.

            Oh, and BTW, I found the drawing for this same ventral fin as well . It is a single page and although older it
            is still readable. Has the dimensions for the ventral fin and the brackets to attach. It will go with the fin
            as I would no longer have any use for it.
            Robert Bradbury
            BC12D Experimental
            C-FAJH C90
            Sen. 74X39 prop
            Seaplane 1650 Floats


            • #7
              Re: Ventral Fin for 65 HP float plane for sale

              Yes, I am still Interested, will your friend be driving into Maine?



              • #8
                Re: Ventral Fin for 65 HP float plane for sale

                Originally posted by Levi View Post
                Yes, I am still Interested, will your friend be driving into Maine?

                Was trying to confirm this for sure but have not been able to reach my friend. Will try again
                tomorrow and get a confirmed freight rate at the same time. Would you want to insure this
                as well?

                Just realized I have another friend that is driving your way next week. He's heading to Cape Hatteras to go wind surfing
                and will indeed be driving. He will have to pass through Maine on the way so her is a chance to get this done less the freight
                possibly. He'll have his wife and daughter aboard so he'll probably not want to deviate from the interstate at all. Not sure if this
                will work for you but it is a good chance. Alternatively I could have him mail it from Hatteras which would be very cheap I would
                assume. Let me know.
                Last edited by Robert Bradbury; 04-19-2012, 12:32.
                Robert Bradbury
                BC12D Experimental
                C-FAJH C90
                Sen. 74X39 prop
                Seaplane 1650 Floats


                • #9
                  Re: Ventral Fin for 65 HP float plane for sale

                  Well the only interstate in northern Maine passes through just a few miles from where I live. If it worked for you I could meet him at the Exit 227 On I-95 with cash.



                  • #10
                    Re: Ventral Fin for 65 HP float plane for sale

                    Originally posted by Levi View Post
                    Well the only interstate in northern Maine passes through just a few miles from where I live. If it worked for you I could meet him at the Exit 227 On I-95 with cash.

                    I'm sure he would be willing to pull off and meet you at a convenient place as long as this would not be a long stop over. As far as I know he is
                    leaving next Thursday. That would put him in your area late Friday evening or early Saturday I would expect. If he had your cell number and you
                    had the freedom to be available I'm sure it would all work out. Cash (US) would be fine and maybe a case of some local beer as a favor to him for
                    his troubles. If that sounds reasonable I will set it up and keep you posted on the dates and times.
                    Robert Bradbury
                    BC12D Experimental
                    C-FAJH C90
                    Sen. 74X39 prop
                    Seaplane 1650 Floats


                    • #11
                      Re: Ventral Fin for 65 HP float plane for sale

                      OK that sounds good to me. I will send you a PM with my phone number and the town/exit number.



                      • #12
                        Re: Ventral Fin for 65 HP float plane for sale

                        Originally posted by Levi View Post
                        OK that sounds good to me. I will send you a PM with my phone number and the town/exit number.

                        My friend is Steve Hutchinson I can forward his mobile # by test or private email as you wish.
                        I have given him your location and mobile # already.

                        He should be in Maine late Thursday evening or early Friday morning but will confirm this well
                        in advance and en-route so you can coordinate without any hangups. I'll confirm by email
                        and by mobile as well just to be sure.
                        Last edited by Robert Bradbury; 04-20-2012, 10:02.
                        Robert Bradbury
                        BC12D Experimental
                        C-FAJH C90
                        Sen. 74X39 prop
                        Seaplane 1650 Floats


                        • #13
                          Re: Ventral Fin for 65 HP float plane for sale

                          Thank you Robert, If you could shoot me some pictures of the fin that would be great, but if not that is ok too.



