Hey Tribe- Thought you all may enjoy this. I used a little Go-Pro camera to film my 1st attempt at the 2011 IAC Sportsman Sequence in the clipwing. Having just 100 HP and no inverted system presents lots of issues but she made it through just fine. I was able to finish it without any breaks and even started well below the ceiling of the IAC Box. I'm still learning but hope to get it down enough to use this plane for some airshow work. If you let the video play after I am done with the sequence you will see me absolutely bury a snap roll and I think there is a 4 point roll in there too. I learned to fly aerobatics by flying RC airplanes so I'm un-learning some things 
hope you enjoy!
I'll post the link as soon as it shows up on youtube.

hope you enjoy!
I'll post the link as soon as it shows up on youtube.