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Clipwing Video

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  • Clipwing Video

    Hey Tribe- Thought you all may enjoy this. I used a little Go-Pro camera to film my 1st attempt at the 2011 IAC Sportsman Sequence in the clipwing. Having just 100 HP and no inverted system presents lots of issues but she made it through just fine. I was able to finish it without any breaks and even started well below the ceiling of the IAC Box. I'm still learning but hope to get it down enough to use this plane for some airshow work. If you let the video play after I am done with the sequence you will see me absolutely bury a snap roll and I think there is a 4 point roll in there too. I learned to fly aerobatics by flying RC airplanes so I'm un-learning some things
    hope you enjoy!
    I'll post the link as soon as it shows up on youtube.
    Eric Minnis
    Bully Aeroplane Works and Airshows
    Clipwing Tcraft x3

    Flying is easy- to go up you pull back, to go down you pull back a little farther.

  • #2
    Re: Clipwing Video

    here it is- Dont laugh too hard!!

    Eric Minnis
    Bully Aeroplane Works and Airshows
    Clipwing Tcraft x3

    Flying is easy- to go up you pull back, to go down you pull back a little farther.


    • #3
      Re: Clipwing Video

      Awesome job, Eric! I'm still dizzy......
      I'm so far behind, I think I'm ahead


      • #4
        Re: Clipwing Video

        Nice job. Keep at it!
        Best Regards,
        Mark Julicher


        • #5
          Re: Clipwing Video

          Wow, very nice Eric. That is a nice, clear video. Thanks for sharing!

          TF #596
          1946 BC-12D N95258
          Former owner of:
          1946 BC-12D/N95275
          1943 L-2B/N3113S


          • #6
            Re: Clipwing Video

            Dyno....Mite! Good looking T-Craft too! How about a picture of the whole airplane?! Nice work Eric! JC


            • #7
              Re: Clipwing Video

              You Da Man. Excellent!


              • #8
                Re: Clipwing Video

                Awesome!!! Sorry Eric, the R&D shop has me on nights, will return to days next month. Lets get together, I haven't forgot about you!



                • #9
                  Re: Clipwing Video

                  Ok- I invented a new maneuver (accidentally on purpose
                  So- dive to 140, pull up into a loop, at about the 1/2 point snap to upright, leave in the snap input and apply full outspin aileron just as airspeed reaches zero - gives a beautiful flat spin. I have to get this on video- it is a wild ride! I learned it while trying to figure out how to do an avalanche.
                  Charles- Stop by soon- lots going on in the hangar at Burlington.
                  Eric Minnis
                  Bully Aeroplane Works and Airshows
                  Clipwing Tcraft x3

                  Flying is easy- to go up you pull back, to go down you pull back a little farther.


                  • #10
                    Re: Clipwing Video

                    Hey Eric... I enjoyed the video. Nice work. Just curious... whats the Vne on a clipwing? Which mod do you have?
                    Terry Bowden, formerly TF # 351
                    Consultant D.E.R. Powerplant inst'l & Engines
                    Vintage D.E.R. Structures, Electrical, & Mechanical Systems
                    BC12D, s/n 7898, N95598
                    weblog: Barnstmr's Random Aeronautics
                    [email protected]


                    • #11
                      Re: Clipwing Video

                      This is a Swick with an O-200. Vne remains the same but some with this mod routinely go to 160mph or so. With the O-200 it would be hard to get it going that fast, especially with a 74-41 prop. My 180 hp Cole would do it easilly. Leading edge collapses (usually 1 small spot) are rare but if not properly built have been known to happen at 160+ and high G.
                      Mine will loop from anything over 95 so loops from level flight are pretty easy. I can roll it from anything over 80 and. It is a great little airplane.
                      Eric Minnis
                      Bully Aeroplane Works and Airshows
                      Clipwing Tcraft x3

                      Flying is easy- to go up you pull back, to go down you pull back a little farther.

