For Sale: Prop Hub for A-65, excellent condition…$350. Taylorcraft BC-12D exhaust with heat shroud, excellent
condition…$599. Steel streamlined strut material, old style with pointed trailing edge, 3-3/4” major axis X 1-7/16”
minor axis X 8’-0” length. Have quantity of 8…$80 per piece. Also modern style streamlined material, 3.372”
major axis X 1.492” minor axis X 4’+ length. Have quantity of 4…$40 per piece. Pair 19” clincher wheels, 60
spoke, 7” hub not centered on rim, excellent condition, paid $600..$400, Pioneer Era seatbelt, might be French?
Excellent condition…$200, Type C-2 gascolator…$200 Hand-held electric starter for inertia starter, works…$150
Please call Frank Pavliga @ (330) 325-9570 days or (330) 418-0070 cell.
condition…$599. Steel streamlined strut material, old style with pointed trailing edge, 3-3/4” major axis X 1-7/16”
minor axis X 8’-0” length. Have quantity of 8…$80 per piece. Also modern style streamlined material, 3.372”
major axis X 1.492” minor axis X 4’+ length. Have quantity of 4…$40 per piece. Pair 19” clincher wheels, 60
spoke, 7” hub not centered on rim, excellent condition, paid $600..$400, Pioneer Era seatbelt, might be French?
Excellent condition…$200, Type C-2 gascolator…$200 Hand-held electric starter for inertia starter, works…$150
Please call Frank Pavliga @ (330) 325-9570 days or (330) 418-0070 cell.